Pictionary Air Is Some Real Cool Wizard Bullshit

Pictionary is a classic game, and a staple of family night. There’s nothing better than watching your dad scrambling to squeeze out a picture representing the depth of the human psyche, or 2010 pop hit “Baby” by Justin Bieber, while three of his children scream in the background. You just can’t improve on Pictionary‘s greatness — or can you?

Pictionary Air is Mattel’s latest iteration of the game, and friends, it looks absolutely fab. I don’t get a lot of time to write here on Kotaku, so I have to pick my battles wisely. Pictionary Air caught my eye pretty quickly, and I definitely like what I see.

Rather than pen and paper, this version of Pictionary uses a wand-like “air pen” to help you magically trace your drawings into the air, just like a real life wizard. These drawings appear in the air as you trace them out via an AR app that can be casted to a TV for larger parties. The app is available for iOS and Android. It’s an awesome concept, and one I’m really keen to see in action.

The best parts of Pictionary are watching players sweating their way down struggle street, and I can only imagine that adapting to air writing will add another layer of difficulty to the game. As a bonus, it’s also paper and mess free, so you don’t have to worry about plowing through reams of paper and materials to get through the game.

Alongside the neat little AR wizard’s wand, you also get 1000 clues in the box, and the app is free to download. It’s available from most toy stores, and is somehow also $30? That’s some real good stuff.


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