State Of Play: Concord Gets First Trailer, It’s Overwatch In Space

State Of Play: Concord Gets First Trailer, It’s Overwatch In Space

Upcoming PS5 title Concord got its first trailer at this morning’s State of Play broadcast. There was some gameplay, though we had to sit through a long cinematic trailer full of Disney+ TV show dialogue and off-brand Guardians of the Galaxy characters to see it.

Concord is a 5v5 multiplayer similar to Overwatch with some elements from hero-led BR games like Apex Legends thrown in. Characters are called Freegunners, which would be like a Scoundrel or Bounty Hunter in Star Wars. Each character appears to be cut from fairly well-worn tropes. You’ve got the big brute Star Child, who looks like he plays a bit like Roadhog, the robot 1-OFF who plays a bit like the Heavy from Team Fortress 2. Lennox is a Cassidy-style pistol character who throws knives. Haymar appears to be Star Lord with a crossbow, using jumpjets in her boots to hover in the air and make precise shots from range.

The aesthetic is certainly cool! It just feels like we’ve seen this all before. Concord wasn’t even the only Overwatch-like in this State of Play broadcast — it was quickly put up against Marvel Rivals, which looked almost exactly the same.

The State of Play opened with a long and lavishly animated cinematic that set the tone and character for the piece before getting into a much shorter gameplay trailer. If you’re into this kind of game, or are looking for a new Overwatch-like title to replace the actual Overwatch 2 (and who could blame you), then perhaps you’ll find it here. Sony certainly hopes you will.

Concord will apparently feature ongoing narrative arcs and cinematics in a similar vein as the game’s life goes on, yet another tweaking of the Do You Like This knob as studios experiment with live service.

Concord will enter a prelaunch beta period in July so players can get a taste for it.

It will launch on PS5 and PC on August 23, 2024.

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