Flintlock: Siege Of Dawn Looks Like Forspoken, But Actually Good This Time

Flintlock: Siege Of Dawn Looks Like Forspoken, But Actually Good This Time

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn set its release date trailer live during this morning’s Xbox Games Showcase at Summer Game Fest. The trailer, which shows a heap of new gameplay, looks like an action-packed, spell-slinging good time.


Not bad, right? It looks like Forspoken but actually good this time. I’m seeing spells and guns, which are obviously two great tastes that taste great together. But there’s also quite a bit of verticality and dextrous character movement, which is always great to see. It’s also described as a Souls-lite, which I appreciate. I’m not a big Souls guy. However, I do like genre imitators that don’t demand quite as much patience and specificity, and this fits the bill.

Of course, you’re still doing a lot of Soulsy things here. Killing big bosses. Using different weapons and builds. The point of difference is that it’s married to an extremely energetic movement model. The combination of certain power, the visual design and the tagline of Kill All Gods subtly recalls the look and vibe of Dishonored, and I’m all right with it.

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn launches July 18, 2024 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, PC and last-gen platforms.

Image: Xbox, Kotaku Australia

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