WIN: How You Can Score Some Of Magic’s Strongest Cards In Our MTG Modern Horizons 3 Giveaway

WIN: How You Can Score Some Of Magic’s Strongest Cards In Our MTG Modern Horizons 3 Giveaway

Modern Horizons 3 approaches and you know what that means: we once again have some of that sweet, sweet collectible cardboard to give away.

Wizards of the Coast is preparing to launch the new Magic the Gathering: Modern Horizons 3 giveaway. I know, that title sounds like it could be a Call of Duty crossover, but it isn’t! Modern Horizons 3 is a new set that features a range of new cards to the Modern ruleset, along with some updated versions of classic cards. The idea is that the cards in the Modern Horizons 3 set will allow players who feel their meticulously crafted decks are getting a bit stale to shake things up a bit. By including some new cards amongst some slightly altered favourites, exciting new strategies and card metas should quickly begin to emerge.

And you could snag yourself a front-row seat.

First prize is a Collector Booster Box, which will give you direct access to some of the Modern Horizons 3 set’s most desirable cards. The Collector Booster Box contains 12 Modern Horizons 3 Collector Boosters, each of which contains 15 Magic the Gathering packs. Each pack in this box contains 5 cards of Rare rarity or higher. One of these boxes retails for $787.31 AUD.

Second prize is a Play Booster box, containing 36 Modern Horizons 3 Play Boosters, each of which holds 14 MTG cards. Every pack includes 5 cards of Rare rarity or higher. The going rate on a box like this is $558.29 AUD.

What do you have to do to go in the draw to win yourself some extremely high-powered cards? Hit the Gleam widget below and, in 50 words or less, tell us about the most powerful Magic the Gathering deck you’ve ever built. It could be a meticulously crafted competition deck! It could be a silly deck designed to troll your friends! We want to hear about it. The two best answers will win.

WIN: We’re Giving Away $1,300 Worth Of MTG Modern Horizons 3 Cards

This competition will commence on Monday, June 10, 2024 and will conclude on Monday, July 1, 2024. Winners will be notified by email. You must be an Australian resident over the 18 years of age to enter. If you’re under 18, you’ll need a parent or guardian to enter on your behalf.

You check out the full set here, and you can find MTG on socials here and here.

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