Legendary Final Fantasy Composer Nobuo Uematsu Is Coming To Australia

Legendary Final Fantasy Composer Nobuo Uematsu Is Coming To Australia

Legendary Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu is coming to Australia in September.

The veteran composer is playing two Australian dates, bringing his Nobuo Uematsu conTIKI Show concert to Melbourne and Sydney. The first will take place in Melbourne on September 5th at the Melbourne Recital Centre. The second will be held in Sydney on September 8th at the State Theatre.

Nobuo Uematsu conTIKI Show features the man himself playing both solo and with his band. Uematsu’s solo performance will feature songs from his Modulation – Final Fantasy Arrangement Album. His band will play other selections from the Final Fantasy series. For those interested in Uematsu’s work outside of Final Fantasy, he will also perform the Story of Blic-0, a story with music that Uematsu wrote himself. It will be the first time Story of Blic-0 has been performed outside of Japan.

Live video game concerts are a dime a dozen in Australia these days. That feels wild to write, growing up as many of us did in an Australian media landscape that didn’t care about video game music. But to have the creator and composer of that music come to play for us? That’s pretty special.

Tickets for both shows are available through the Castiglione Arts and Culture website. I recommend getting in quick, as once the word gets out on this one, the tickets are going to move mighty fast.

Image: Nobuo Uematsu, Square Enix, Kotaku Australia

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