You’re Not Dreaming, The Huge Sandman Comic Box Set Is Half Off

You’re Not Dreaming, The Huge Sandman Comic Box Set Is Half Off
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Whether you’re a fan of the recent Netflix adaptation, an avid comic reader or just love a good story, there’s never really a wrong reason to pick up The Sandman and finally see what all the fuss is about.

Now is an especially good time to finally dive into this iconic series, because you can currently pick up the complete Sandman box set on sale for $237.51. That’s a solid 52 per cent off a 14-book collection that’d usually set you back $500.

However, this deal is coming via Amazon US, so you’ll have to wait a couple of weeks for it to arrive. Alternatively, if you can’t wait, Amazon Australia also has the box set on sale for $250.27, which is roughly half off. While you need to pay a bit extra, you’ll get the set quicker and lower the risk of it getting banged up during international shipping.

This collection includes the 10 volumes that make up the original The Sandman comic series, along with the Endless Nights graphic novel, the Overture prequel miniseries, and both the prose and comic versions of The Dream Hunters. 

That’s a lot of comics, which is great if you’re someone who likes to buy an entire series in one go, or if you need to replace your much-loved and well-read copies. This Sandman collection would also make a nice gift for that special goth friend in your life.

sandman box set cheap
Image: Bilquis Evely and Matheus Lopes/DC Comics/Kotaku Australia

If you’ve never read the original The Sandman comics, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve at least heard about it. If you look up any of those guides for “The Comics You Need Read“, there’s a pretty high chance that The Sandman will be on there, sitting alongside the likes of Watchmen and Maus.

Originally published in 1989, The Sandman is the series that launched co-creator and writer Neil Gaiman into superstar status, with the main comic and its spin-offs winning 26 Eisner Awards during their runs.

The Sandman begins with Morpheus, the personification of dreams, being torn from his kingdom of dreaming and imprisoned on Earth by an occultist seeking eternal life. After escaping his decades-long imprisonment, this sprawling dark fantasy epic follows Morpheus as he attempts to regain his powers.

sandman comic
Image: The Sandman: Overture #6 by J.H. Williams III/DC Comics

We follow his journey as the King of Dreams travels through the real world, the worlds of classic mythologies, actual Hell and the realms of the Endless, who are his siblings and the personification of Destiny, Destruction, Desire, Despair, Delirium and Death.

If you have seen the Netflix series, the show covers the first two trades – Preludes and Nocturnes and The Doll’s House – along with two stories from Dream Country. So you still have plenty of comics to keep you busy while waiting for the second season to drop.

You can grab The Sandman box set while it’s on sale here. You won’t be disappointed, we promise.

This article has been updated since its original publication.

Image: DC Comics/Netflix

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At Kotaku, we independently select and write about stuff we love and think you'll like too. We have affiliate and advertising partnerships, which means we may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. BTW – prices are accurate and items in stock at the time of posting.


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