The Nintendo RPG Bonanza Continues With Gorgeous-Looking Mario & Luigi: Brothership

The Nintendo RPG Bonanza Continues With Gorgeous-Looking Mario & Luigi: Brothership

Mario & Luigi: Brothership is the latest entry in the long-running Nintendo RPG series and the first one made from the ground-up for Switch. It features a seafaring adventure and an eye-popping art-style and arrives this spring on November 7. Announced during today’s Nintendo Direct, this is the first mainline entry in the Mario & Luigi series in nine years – the last release being Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam.

Here’s the trailer:

If you want to check out all the rest of the June Nintendo Direct announcements, we’ve got you covered with all the trailers from the 40-minute livestream here, including The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomSuper Mario Party Jamboree, and more.

Are you keen for the new Mario & Luigi game? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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