Steam Users Are Sitting On Billions Of Dollars Worth Of Unplayed Games

Steam Users Are Sitting On Billions Of Dollars Worth Of Unplayed Games

Steam users are sitting on roughly $28 billion AUD ($19B USD) of unplayed games. In case you were wondering if your shame pile was really adding up, the answer is definitely yes. About 50% of that amount is probably from my library alone.

The new comes thanks to new research conducted by PCGamesN and SteamIDFinder. The frankly astronomical dollar amount of Steam games purchased but never played is more than the GDP of Nicaragua, Niger, Chad, or Mauritius. 

That $28 billion AUD amount of unplayed Steam games is a rough estimate. It’s based on data from the approximately 10% of public Steam accounts in SteamIDFinder’s database, around 73 million accounts. Of those public accounts, collectively, there are around $1.9 billion USD worth of unplayed games kicking around in their libraries. When multiplied by 10 (a rough idea of the games gathering dust in the other 90% of accounts), the research came to $19 billion USD worth of games just…sitting there. It seems that the Steam shame pile of games isn’t a common joke for no reason.

While it’s not an exact art, averages pulled from about 73 million Steam accounts probably get you close to the real amount. That’s, provided there are no ridiculous outliers with billions of unplayed Steam titles in their libraries. 

If you’d like to know what your Steam shame pile contributes to the horde, you can check out the numbers on SteamIDFinder. Hey, maybe it’ll motivate you to crack on to some of those games you copped years (and years and years) ago to bring those numbers down? Or maybe not. I’m not your boss.

How many dollarydoos worth of unplayed Steam games are you sitting on? Check out the SteamIDFinder tool and let us know in the comments.

Image: Valve / hidesy (iStock) / Kotaku Australia

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