You Need To See This Fake Video Game Based On The Bear, Cousin

You Need To See This Fake Video Game Based On The Bear, Cousin

Would you play a restaurant management game based on The Bear? A new video sketch envisions what a video game tie-in for the popular Disney+ show might look like, and it is suitably weird and chaotic.

Created by Hotel Art Thief (comedian artists Michael Kandel and Joe Miciak), the sketch leans heavily on bizarre tie-in games from the 2000s, and even uses elements of Perfect Dark to create a suitably stressful reimagining of the show. However, the (extremely fake) game also includes the option to play a No Rush mode that limits the stress.

Characters (represented as disembodied floating heads) lunge at the show’s main character, Carmy, hollering urgently for his attention before backing down instantly and assuring him that he shouldn’t be in any rush. A heart monitor in the corner tracks Carmy’s stress level as he cruises toward his inevitable mid-life cardiac arrest. The sketch is filled with mini-games, like who can smoke the best and the banal preparation of a salad, complete with score multipliers. Players also have to shoot a few Chicagoan wild dogs, which, in fairness, the game does appear to warn the player about. I just wish they wouldn’t barge into the kitchen like that. Seems unhygienic.

The whole thing feels like a nightmare, which I’m sure is how Carmy feels about his life most of the time.

There’s an excellent interview with the Hotel Art Thief team about The Bear The Game over at VGBees and I highly recommend it. A fascinating insight into creating a work of pure insanity.

I would obviously play The Bear: The Game on Normal mode because I am no coward.

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