steam deck

  • This Little Gadget Lets You Play Gameboy Cartridges On A Steam Deck

    This Little Gadget Lets You Play Gameboy Cartridges On A Steam Deck

    If you’ve got a bunch of Gameboy and Gameboy Advance cartridges lying around and a Steam Deck (I’m jealous), you might be in luck if you’re looking to bring the two together. Epilogue is a tech company that, back in 2021, released a nifty little gadget called the GB Operator, which when connected to a…

  • Steam Deck: Everything You Need To Know

    Steam Deck: Everything You Need To Know

    The Valve Steam Deck is out in the US and we’re ready for truly next-gen handheld gaming. There are a few things to know about getting your hands on one of these units in Australia so we’ve collected everything we know about the device in one handy place. Let’s talk about Steam Deck. When is…