steam deck

  • How Much Does The Valve Steam Deck Cost In Australia?

    How Much Does The Valve Steam Deck Cost In Australia?

    With the Steam Deck now available in North America, the lingering question for Australian punters is a simple one: What is the price of the Steam Deck in Australia? Unfortunately, dear reader, we still don’t currently know. What price options are available for Steam Deck? While there is US pricing for all three models, the…

  • Xbox Games Studios Says Halo Games Won’t Be Supported On Steam Deck

    Xbox Games Studios Says Halo Games Won’t Be Supported On Steam Deck

    The Steam Deck has had another set of games barred from being played on its platform, this time in the form of the Halo series. Since the Steam Deck’s release at the end of February, we’ve seen all kinds of games get Steam Deck Verified™, Steam Deck Playable™, and Steam Deck Don’t You Dare™. Xbox Game…

  • Aperture Desk Job Is Not Portal 3, But It Does Look Sick

    Aperture Desk Job Is Not Portal 3, But It Does Look Sick

    Of course we’re not getting Portal 3, but we are getting a little something. As touched on in David’s ‘This Week In Games’, Valve has concluded Steam Next Fest by announcing a new “playable short” set in the Portal universe called Aperture Desk Job. You can see it in action in the video below. The game looks to be set at…