Beyond Good & Evil’s Delisting Has Fans Speculating The Remaster Will Release Very Soon

Beyond Good & Evil’s Delisting Has Fans Speculating The Remaster Will Release Very Soon

Ubisoft is pulling Beyond Good & Evil from digital storefronts ahead of news on the 20th Anniversary Edition tomorrow, sparking speculation that the remaster might not just be launching soon, but imminently.

As spotted by VGC, the Steam listing for Beyond Good & Evil now reads: “At the request of the publisher, Beyond Good and Evil is unlisted on the Steam store and will not appear in search.” Over on GOG, the listing still appears to be live, but the 2011 HD console remaster has also been removed from sale on the Xbox storefront.

Beyond Good & Evil’s delisting comes ahead of the Limited Run Games Showcase tomorrow, where Ubisoft has already confirmed the game’s 20th Anniversary Edition will feature in some capacity. The showcase is set to air at 11AM PT on 20 June, which shakes out to around 4AM AEST on Friday for Aussies. 

It’s not clear exactly what “news” about the Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition we’ll be getting, but we do know it’s a remaster of the 2003 original. Given the original has been pulled from multiple online stores, fans think it’s likely that a release date is imminent, perhaps even during the showcase, given an initial early 2024 release was being targeted last we heard news of the game.

The Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition was confirmed to be in development late last year after Ubisoft accidentally released an early development build to some Ubisoft+ subscribers. At the time, Ubisoft said, “well, looks like the cat’s out of the bag,” and confirmed more news would be coming in early 2024 and that it was “dedicated to making it an experience that truly honours the legacy of the original.”

There’s still of course no news on the Beyond Good & Evil sequel, which has been in development for almost as long as the original has been out in the world. If you’ve been waiting for the better part of 16 years for an announcement on that front, you’ll probably still be waiting for some time (or forever), but at least in the meantime the remaster is coming in hot.

Image: Ubisoft

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