About Us

Welcome to The Kotaku Times, Australia’s dedicated hub for all things pop culture. Our mission is to bring you the latest and greatest in entertainment, including film, television, music, video games, and more, all from a distinctly Australian perspective.

Founded in 2024, The Kotaku Times was created to fill a gap in the Australian media landscape for comprehensive, up-to-date pop culture news, in-depth analyses, and unique features that resonate with enthusiasts and casual fans alike. We pride ourselves on our engaging content crafted by a team of passionate writers who are themselves fervent fans of the culture they cover.

Whether you’re looking for the latest film reviews, updates on gaming trends, or insights into the evolving music scene, we have you covered. At The Kotaku Times, pop culture is more than just entertainment; it’s a way of life.

Join us on this vibrant journey at the heart of Australia’s pop culture. The Kotaku Times—where every story is a backstage pass.